High Impedance 15LB Injectors

High Impedance 19LB Injectors

High Impedance 21LB Injectors

High Impedance 23LB Injectors

High Impedance 24LB Injectors

High Impedance 26LB Injectors

High Impedance 30LB Injectors

High Impedance 32LB Injectors

High Impedance 36LB Injectors

High Impedance 40LB Injectors

Estimated to ship direct from manufacturer in 24hrs
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High Impedance 44LB Injectors

High Impedance 61LB Injectors

Estimated to ship direct from manufacturer on 02/20/25, pending manufacturer availability.
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Estimated to ship direct from manufacturer in 24hrs
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High Impedance 62LB Injectors

Estimated to ship direct from manufacturer on 02/20/25, pending manufacturer availability.
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High Impedance 80LB Injectors

Estimated to ship direct from manufacturer on 02/17/25, pending manufacturer availability.
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Estimated to ship direct from manufacturer on 03/17/25, pending manufacturer availability.
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Low Impedance Injectors

Estimated to ship direct from manufacturer in 24hrs
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High Impedance 44LB Injectors

High Impedance 48LB Injectors

What Are Accel Performance Fuel Injectors Common Pros and Cons?

Accel Performance Fuel Injectors are made from high quality components and assembly making them very reliable and consistent, along with providing long service life. Due to the high quality, the price for a Accel Performance Fuel Injector can be higher than other fuel injectors on the market.

Which Accel Performance Fuel Injectors Are Best?

It is important to select the correct Accel Performance fuel injector that will both physically fit your engine (connector and body type) and match the engine fuel needs. Once the physical fitment is confirmed, the fuel injector size has to be determined. This is based on the amount of horsepower of the engine, number of fuel injectors, induction type (normally aspirated, supercharged, etc.), fuel type, BSFC (brake specific fuel consumption), and injector max duty cycle. Injector size (in cc/min) is equal to the (estimated horsepower x the brake specific fuel consumption (about .50) x 10.5) divided by the number of fuel injectors times the duty cycle (typically .80).

How Much Do Accel Performance Fuel Injectors Cost?

Accel Performance fuel injectors are available starting at around $60 each and can reach to just over $500 for a set of eight, depending on the type and size.