Located between the camshaft and the pushrods are the valve lifters. These components adapt the connection with a large footprint on one end for proper contact to the camshaft lobes and a cup (in most cases) for the pushrod to seat into on the other end. They also help circulate oil in many applications by pushing it up to the rocker arms through an internal passageway. There are four main types of lifters, which include either solid/mechanical and roller/non-roller. Hydraulic lifters use oil to adjust their height, ensuring proper valve lash and reducing the need to set it periodically. Solid lifters do not use oil and require periodic setting of valve lash. However, they do produce more horsepower than their hydraulic counterparts. Roller camshafts reduce friction with rollers on the camshaft side of the lifter, resulting in a noticeable increase in power and performance. Over time and after use, all lifters can wear and degrade, requiring replacement.
When choosing replacement engine lifters, it's important to confirm the year, make, model, and engine size of the vehicle. For custom and performance engine applications, it's important to match the engine valve lifters to the camshaft (for example, hydraulic or mechanical flat tappet, solid or hydraulic roller). From the remaining compatible options, choose the set that matches your application and budget the best. Don't forget additional items such as an engine valve lifter tool (for help removing old lifters), assembly lube, gaskets, and any other items needed to complete your project.
JEGS offers a large selection of valve lifters from top manufacturers including COMP Cams, Crower, Lunati, Rhoads Lifters, JEGS, and many others. Each engine valve lifter is made from high quality components and assembly to ensure long life and the performance your engine needs.
Chevrolet Performance OEM Hydraulic Roller Lifter Kit Gen III and IV LS-Series GM Engines (Except with Active Fuel Management)
(Except with Active Fuel Management)
Chevrolet Performance Hydraulic Flat Tappet Lifter Kit Small Block and Big Block Chevy
Replacement Hydraulic Lifters 1955-1986 Small Block Chevy 265-400 and 1958-1990 Big Block Chevy 396-454
Chevrolet Performance Racing Hydraulic Roller Lifter Kit Gen III and IV LS-Series GM Engines (Except with Active Fuel Management)
(Except with Active Fuel Management)
COMP Cams 89311-16 Retro-Fit Hydraulic Roller Lifters for Ford Small Block Engines w/OEM Flat Tappet Camshaft [16]
COMP Cams 89211-16 Retro-Fit Hydraulic Roller Lifters for Mopar 383-440 ci. Big Block Engines w/OEM Flat Tappet Camshaft [16]
COMP Cams 85401-16 Retro-Fit Hydraulic Roller Lifters for Chevy Big Block Engines w/OEM Flat Tappet Camshaft [16]
COMP Cams 85301-16 Retro-Fit Hydraulic Roller Lifters for Chevy Small Block Engines w/OEM Flat Tappet Camshaft [16]
Crower Mechanical Servere Duty Cutaway Roller Lifters Big Block Chevy Big Dart Block
COMP Cams 85701-16 Retro-Fit Hydraulic Roller Lifters for Pontiac V8 & Olds 400, 425, 455 ci. Engines w/OEM Flat Tappet Camshaft [16]